Bet on yourself!
As a real estate professional, you have to be able to evolve with the times. I’d love to share my advice for new and established brokers to help keep their business fresh!
Back to the Future
Stay ahead of marketing techniques and strategies, and maintain your focus on branding, technology and social media all while betting on yourself! Start by getting back to basics, and put a human spin on your enterprise. You may have helped hundreds or thousands of people during your career, and you may have a long list of contacts in your sphere—either way, you can bet that your help has not been forgotten. If you reach out to them, they’ll be happy to spread the word and refer others to you, not to mention it will keep you in mind when they’re ready to make a move. ?
Not “Down on the Farm” but UP on the farm
Farming—have you ever done in? In the “old days,” we used to designate a farming area or neighborhood and WALK THE STREETS! We would always meet someone new as we dropped off a postcard, flier, announcement, map, etc. When you meet someone, more often than not it goes something like this: “Hey, the neighbors over there are thinking of selling, you should knock on their door” or “I know so and so just found out they’re having twins”. I STILL hit the streets each month, picking townhome developments or my immediate neighborhood, getting to know people. Added benefit—it’s a great way to get your steps in! ??♀️
Be Positive
When I was teaching and coaching—36 and 31 years, respectively—I set goals for myself, my students, and my athletes. I made it my life’s work to support them, and get the most out of their skills. It was not always wonderful, it was not always fun, and goals were not always met. The one constant was that I was positive that I was doing the right thing, and doing it the best that I could. I also had a positive outlook that in the end, it was going to be a great experience. I used to tell my coaches, student teachers, and mentees that you should never believe wholeheartedly when a parent says that you’re the best teacher/coach ever, just as you should never believe wholeheartedly when a parent says that you are the worst. They only have one perspective! Your perspective is focused on those you’re helping day in and out, and the positive impact you’ll have on their lives. Going up or going down, stay positive! I have felt that way for over 38 years as a real estate broker. I’ve always had energy because I get to help someone every day! That’s through two depression, several mini recessions, boom times, and average years to boot. Stay positive because they are counting on you! ?
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it
You have support, technology and expertise that have all delivered great results. Don’t mess with them—keep it going! Sure you should enhance, but don’t discard. If it is broke, fix it. If there is something that is not delivering results—after at least a couple of months—dump it or fix it. But most things that have delivered results in the past will continue to do so. Stay the course even if the wind has died down. ⛵️